Why You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Pursuing a Lawsuit

Taking legal action against someone who has wronged you is often viewed as a vindictive, retaliatory action, which causes many people to hesitate even when they have a legitimate claim. However, the legal system is designed to protect your rights and ensure legal and financial accountability when your rights are violated.

If you’ve been wronged in some way but are hesitant to file a lawsuit, the following points will help you eliminate any guilt or uncertainty you may feel about pursuing justice.

1. You deserve compensation

First and foremost, if you were wronged, you deserve to be compensated for damages. For example, you might be dealing with a damaged reputation, damaged property, or a physical injury. Laws exist to protect you in these situations and hold those responsible accountable, both financially and legally. If you file a lawsuit, and you can prove your case, you can get compensated accordingly.

2. You don’t need to do the hard work

If you’re avoiding filing a lawsuit because you feel intimidated about having to defend yourself and present your case against the other party, you don’t have to do any of that. A lawyer will help you get compensated fairly, and you won’t need to do any of the hard work. Your attorney will build and present your case, and while you might be required to testify, you’ll be instructed on how to get through the process.

3. Private settlements usually fail

Many people think they should at least try to settle their issues privately. This is a good intention, but it rarely works. Not only will most people deny accountability, but if you reach an agreement, it’s not likely to be fair.

However you’ve been wronged, think about it this way. If you asked the person to make things right and compensate you fairly for your losses, would they? Probably not. Most people who cause harm to others only look for ways to avoid accountability. The only way to get unaccountable people to be responsible is to file a lawsuit.

Mature adults take responsibility for the result of their actions, even when a negative result is unintentional. When someone’s negligence adversely impacts your life, and they don’t take action to right their wrong, they deserve to be held accountable in a court of law.

4. You might cause policy changes

When people and businesses face consequences for their actions, they’re more likely to make changes to the policies and procedures that led to the adverse outcome. This is especially true when a judge gives a court order.

Some of the best examples are Brown v. Board of Education, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill lawsuits, the Enron securities fraud litigation, the lawsuits against Fen-Phen diet pills, and more. One lawsuit can create a ripple effect that makes products safer and prevents harm to others.

5. Bad practices deserve to be outed

If you’re suing a well-known corporation or individual, there’s a good chance the media will pick up the story and publish it everywhere possible. It’s understandable to hesitate filing a lawsuit to avoid being seen as the “bad guy” who is trying to take down someone big, but if they’ve done something wrong and haven’t made it right, their bad practices deserve to be outed.

It’s not a bad thing to be seen as the person taking action against a large entity. It may seem like it at first, but it doesn’t make you a villain. It actually makes you a hero because it takes courage and strength to stand up for your rights and face someone in court.

6. Lawsuits are not about being vindictive

If you’re worried that filing a lawsuit will make you vindictive, don’t worry. Seeking justice isn’t the same as getting revenge. When you file a lawsuit and go through the court system, you’re seeking a fair resolution. The legal system has built-in protections against frivolous claims, and you will be required to provide evidence to support your claims. If you have a valid case, pursuing legal action is not only reasonable but crucial.

Be confident in your pursuit of justice

Taking legal action is often a necessary step in protecting your rights. It’s a legitimate solution to being wronged. Rather than feeling guilty about pursuing a lawsuit, remind yourself that you’re exercising your basic rights as a citizen within a system designed to resolve disputes fairly.

While a lawsuit is never something to take lightly, if you have a legitimate claim, it’s perfectly acceptable to pursue legal action when you’ve been wronged.

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